New Surfulater Help, Support and Forums

After almost 18 months with the last Help & Support Center we are once again moving to a new package that further enhances how we deliver support. This new package splits support up into three distinct areas:

  1. Tickets - where you can post private requests for assistance. Your support E-mails also use the Tickets system.
  2. Solutions - enables us to answer commonly requested issues in one place.
  3. Forums - Enables interaction between our users, discussion about new features etc. You can also post tickets here.

All Support should now be done using this system.

This new package also enables us to support multiple applications in the one system, which we couldn't do before.

The original Support Forums we used since Surfulater's inception with over 1,000 threads, 4,500 posts and 20,000+ views is suffering from various problems and has been taken off-line.

I have changed my email to [email protected]. How do I make the change in my profile; the profile page doesn't have an option for revising the email address?

Am I on an old site page? The only support comments and faqs seem to be 8 months old or older.

I've replied to your Support Ticket. The issue appears to be because you have not replied to the automated activation e-mail that was sent to you. It could be in your Spam folder.

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