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Price of clibu


Long time surfulater user here (yes, I'm still using it :)). Originally when clibu was announced, I remembered reading that there'd be a price. The webpage now says that its free..

What features are missing in the free version?



As long as Clibu mobile can deliver a slick, rich, and seamless experience in syncing my info, I'll be happy to pay a modest subscription fee. Right now I'm using SimpleNote to share between my devices and I love it! It's simple, effective, and free. 

Hi Thomas,

We decided to make a big push to get Clibu's User Interface working on Mobile Phones and Tablets and have delayed charging until we are satisfied we have met those goals. You can read about this work in this blog article

Development is progressing well with plenty of usability testing needed before release.

What is the updated status on this?


Clibu is free until we reach a point we are confident we are delivering valuable product that people are willing to pay for. We expect this to be 1st qtr 2017.

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