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Corrections and suggestions for Clibu

I've been using Clibu daily for over a week now and here are some miscellaneous feedback for improvements and fixes:

  • Ctrl-Shift-Arrow keys don't select text as expected (only selects one word and then jumps to the next)
  • Shift-Arrow selects text, but if you pause and then resume selecting, it begins to deselect the beginning of your selection!
  • need a way to add text before and after hyperlinked text without extending the hyperlinked text
  • the indent button should work for regular paragraphs as well as lists 
  • formatting text as a heading "eats" up a blank paragraph above it

Thanks, Neville. That's what I thought. I do use Chrome as my main browser, but that's the problem: I end up with so many Chrome tabs and windows open that Clibu gets lost in the pile! So I decided to open it in Firefox, where it'll be easier to find. I guess I'll have to go back to using it in Chrome.

I am aware of the issue when you select text backwards and this is on our list to fix.

Our focus is primarily ensuring Clibu works well on Chrome as it has the largest market share by far. Conversely Firefox usage continues to decline. But more so Firefox simply consumes too much of our time & resources due to long standing issues it has and quirks like those you have reported etc. See this related Blog post Firefox Extensions, herein lies a big problem!

Thanks for the info on eating para's.

I did a bit more testing on Chrome vs. Firefox:

  • The issues with Ctrl-Shift-arrow and Ctrl-arrow appear only when selecting text in reverse order (i.e., from right to left). This occurs in both Chrome and Firefox. Selecting in normal order works properly under both browsers.

  • The issue with adding text before a hyperlink occurs only in Firefox.

  • The "eating" the blank previous paragraph occurs inconsistently, in both Chrome and Firefox. Steps to try to reproduce:
  1. After a Normal paragraph, press Enter twice and type some text.
  2. Format this text as a heading. In Firefox, this "eats" up the blank paragraph above and causes the new header to butt up against the previous paragraph. In Chrome, it does this for some headings but not for others.
  3. Changing the line back to 'Normal' also causes it to eat the blank paragraph.
  4. Restoring the blank paragraph above and then changing from 'Normal' back to a heading does NOT eat the blank paragraph. I observed this in both Chrome and Firefox.


I forgot to mention that these issues occurred while using Firefox v54.0.1. I'll try to replicate these on Chrome.


I am using: Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)

> Ctrl-Shift-Arrow keys don't select text as expected (only selects one word and then jumps to the next)

I can't replicate this.

> Shift-Arrow selects text, but if you pause and then resume selecting, it begins to deselect the beginning of your selection!

I can't replicate this.

> need a way to add text before and after hyperlinked text without extending the hyperlinked text

On occasion there is an issue adding text after a hyperlink. ie. It forms part of the hyperlink. I can't see and am not aware of any issue adding text before a hyperlink. 

> the indent button should work for regular paragraphs as well as lists  

There is no standard way of indenting content in html, other than lists and block quote. 

> formatting text as a heading "eats" up a blank paragraph above it 

I can't replicate this.

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