Hyperlink incorrectly carries over to the next line
Carl Lum
started a topic
almost 7 years ago
Here's a relatively minor but annoying glitch that I always run into. I often create articles with text containing hyperlinks. But if you start a new paragraph where previous paragraph ends with a hyperlink, the hyperlink is carried over!
For example, I might type something like:
Reference: issue 12345
I select '12345' and add a hyperlink. I then press Enter to start a new line and type:
Assigned on Mar 16, 2018
I expect this line to be normal text. But Clibu instead includes all this text as part of the previous hyperlink! I then have to break the link and then manually add the link back to '12345'.
1 Comment
Neville Franks
almost 7 years ago
Carl, thanks, I'm aware of this and how annoying it is. It needs to behave better.
Carl Lum
Here's a relatively minor but annoying glitch that I always run into. I often create articles with text containing hyperlinks. But if you start a new paragraph where previous paragraph ends with a hyperlink, the hyperlink is carried over!
For example, I might type something like:
Reference: issue 12345
I select '12345' and add a hyperlink. I then press Enter to start a new line and type:
Assigned on Mar 16, 2018
I expect this line to be normal text. But Clibu instead includes all this text as part of the previous hyperlink! I then have to break the link and then manually add the link back to '12345'.